Mika Ichihara, M.S., L.Ac.
Love & Compassion Integrative Health and Healing

Case Study: EENT

lilyCase 1: Sinus infections   
Female 20s: She had two surgeries for her sinus infections. And yet, infection did not go away. Because she did not want to have any more surgeries, she sought natural treatment. She was already eating healthy, free of sugars and less carbs, and yet she had bloating and gas every after meal. She complained sudden burst of temper, angers, emotional swings, anxiety and heart palpitations.

Treatment: She received three acupuncture treatments with colon cleansing. Within a week after starting the colon cleansing, she felt 70% less anxiety, gas or bloating. She continued the cleanse for another month and the remaining symptoms completely resolved. She also received Reiki Energy Healing, which helped her detox emotionally, and energetically renewed, leading to a happier relationship, new career and emotional wellbeing like a new person.

Case 2: Chronic vertigo
Female 50s: She complained of 26 years of history of chronic vertigo and dizziness. She was taking several medications to control her symptoms, but nothing helped her alleviate her symptoms., She suffered from daily attacks of severe vertigo and dizziness for 26 years. She was desperate and sought alternative approach to heal her conditions.

Treatment: She began her weekly then later bi-weekly acupuncture treatment combined with custom made herbal medicine. On the weekly basis, she started feeling better and regained her strength. Within a month or so, she no longer experienced no vertigo. In the course of treatment, she improved her diet, less refined flours, sugar products and prepared foods. In the past 3 years she rarely had these symptoms. She continues her bi weekly acupuncture treatment for maintenance and prevention of her condition and overall health.



Disclaimer: Please note, Mika Ichihara, M.S., L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist and holistic practitioner, and not a medical doctor. Always consult a medical doctor or appropriate physician to discuss your conditions and receive their medical advice. You should not rely on this website for diagnosis or medical advice, which serves solely as general holistic guidance to your conditions. Mika Ichihara may provide general information about medical conditions and treatments. However, the information provided by Mika Ichihara and this website is not a substitute for medical advice. Mika Ichihara assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from action taken based on her holistic advice and the information or material on or linked to this site.