Universal Qabalah

Universal Qabalah is ancient universal wisdom and knowledge, which was kept intact and passed on from teachers to students for the past 5,000 years or more.
Qabalah provides a blueprint to understanding the meaning of life. It provides a system for manifestation, self-discovery, and empowerment. It helps us realize who we are, and guides us on how to create a fulfilling life according to our individual purposes and missions in this life. It awakens dormant energies within our body, therefore activating our ability to manifest.
Until recently, Qabalah’s teachings were hidden from the public. It is only the 19th Century that Qabalah’s teachings have become available to spiritual seekers in public.
Qabalah was traditionally taught from teacher to student. Soul Oasis offers one of a few authentic Qabalah training programs.
Currently all courses are offered online.
Importantly, Universal Qabalah is not a religion; it is a spiritual philosophy and path. We welcome students from all backgrounds.
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What is Qabalah?
Qabalah is considered the oldest tradition of knowledge and wisdom in providing a blueprint to understand the meaning of life. It provides a system for manifestation, self-discovery, and empowerment. It teaches the Tree of Life, which is composed of 10 energy spheres called, “sephiroth.”
Qabalah awakens dormant energies within our body, therefore activates our ability to manifest. Each sephirah has its own unique energy signature processes in creation, helping us view our daily lives through the qualities of that sphere. If we understand how creation occurs, we can learn to manifest and create for ourselves, according to our highest path and for the greatest good to everyone.
Until recently Qabalah teaching was hidden from the public, but now this teaching has become available to spiritual seekers. Traditionally, Qabalah was taught from teacher to student. It is vital to have a teacher if you are serious about learning the essence of Qabalah.
Kabbalah, Cabala, Qabalah
It is believed that the Qabalah system was applied before our oldest civilizations, such as Egypt. Some suggest that the previous civilization, the cities of Atlantis, was built based on the structure of the Tree of Life. It is also believed that in our oldest civilization, the teaching of Qabalah was shared all over the world and became the basis for the major religions and traditions in Asia, Europe, Americas and Africa. The original teaching of Qabalah was passed on under three separate traditions: “Kabbalah,” under the Jewish tradition; “Cabala,” under the Christian tradition; and “Qabalah,” under the Egyptian-Greek tradition.
At Love & Compassion, we share the knowledge of Qabalah under the Hermetic and Universal tradition.
Know Thyself...
This Universal Qabalah program is study of the self, meaning that the program guides you to delve deeply into yourself, know yourself, and thus fulfill yourself. It gives you direct solutions to personal issues and helps you answer these essential questions:
- Who am I?
- What am I?
- Where am I going?
- What is my purpose in life?
Inner Work: Study of the Soul
Through our Universal Qabalah Programs, you are about to begin a new journey called "inner work." This is the study of your own Soul, in learning about who you are. Inner work is the most vital component for studying spirituality. Our programs are suitable for those who are serious, true seekers, not for those who are just curious. In order to pursue inner work, it is highly recommended that you find your spiritual teacher or master and to work with them on a dedicated, continuous basis. Self-mastery may be possible, but learning with a teacher would be far more efficient and beneficial than studying alone because inner work requires interacting with your teacher.
- Discover yourself and your inner truth
- Learn about Universal Truth
- Discover your purpose and mission in life
- Create your unique life of boundless potential in radiating with light, joy and peace
Workshops Type: Online
If you are interested in learning more about our Universal Qabalah training, please Book a Free Consultation here.
Our Courses
Universal Qabalah Introduction Seminar
This online seminar is the introductory to Universal Qabalah!. This 2 hours seminar will give you the overview of Universal Qabalah, its fundamental philosophy, approach, history and method for how to learn this extraordinary knowledge. All are welcome. Online live seminar, $50/2hrs.
Level 1: Universal Qabalah Foundation
This 9 months course will provides you with the spiritual foundation of the Universal Qabalah. This course will introduce you to Universal Truth, including 7 Hermetic Principles that governs the Universe and human lives. You will embark on your inner spiritual journey, called “Know Thyself”. The Course includes 12 bi-monthly classes ($90/class) for 6 months and 3 monthly workshops ($180/workshop). An optional retreat may be held for 3-4 days with an additional fee.
Level 2: Tree of Life Ascension
The Level 2 course is the study of the Tree of Life, which is the universal symbol of divine wisdom. The monthly classes include learning about the sephiroth and attaining associated energetic ascension in the esoteric tradition. This course includes 12 monthly classes and an optional retreat.
Level 3: Pathworking: Tree of Life Dissension
The Level 3 course guides students to descend the Tree of Life through the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life. Students experience divine wisdom associated with each of them and aim to bring down to the physical consciousness and manifest one’s meaning of life on the Earth. This course includes 22 monthly classes and an optional retreat.
Level 4: Advanced Tree of Life Ascension
This is the advanced course of the ascension of the Tree of Life where you deepen the knowledge and harness living Qabalah in daily life. This course includes 12 monthly classes and an optional retreat.
Level 5: Advanced Tree of Life Dissension
This is the advanced course of the Dissension of the Tree of Life where you deepen the knowledge and harness living Qabalah in daily life. This course includes 22 monthly classes and an optional retreat.
Book a Free Consultation Now!
Here are just some of the wonderful voices who attended this Program...
Level 1 Universal Qabalah Foundation Program
“This Program has allowed me to become intimate with every facet of my being - my thoughts, actions, words and the purpose of my soul. I’m more aware of my subconscious and how it has a direct effect on my reality. Integrating the seven Hermetic principles into my daily life has allowed me to take charge of my life and work through the issues that previously held me back.” 6/18 - V.V
“The Universal Qabalah Program gave me a system and organized set of principles to follow. The techniques that I learned in this Program have helped me to deepen my practice. The Hermetic Universal principles have been allowing me to transform my life.” 7/17 - G.K
“I have experienced a significant transformation as a direct result of this Program. It helped me to gain freedom from my egoic behaviors and fixations. I feel more present, joyful, and alive than I ever have! The space held by Mika and the rest of the class gave me the platform I needed to explore consciousness safely.” 7/17 - P.F
“This Program gave me the tools that I needed to understand myself and my life purpose. I now feel as though I have the foundation that I need to build on my spiritual practices so that I can integrate them into my life on a more routine basis. I loved learning from Mika and will be taking more classes.” - 8/15 - B.F
“The Universal Qabalah Program assisted me with becoming more aware and centered in my day to day life. Since taking this Program, I have been able to gain control over my emotions. I have been taking the time to communicate with the Universe every day, and my spiritual practice has become much more consistent.” 6/14 - K.S
“Going through this Program gave me an improvement in understanding the importance of choosing a path and mission in my life. Spiritually I am learning the importance of meditating on a regular basis.” 06/2014 – Y.
“This has made me more aware and more centered. I have learned how to navigate my feelings and emotions it has really helped me feel more open energetically. Spiritually I am trying to be much more centered to the universe and to God – everyday. Also being centered in my thoughts and in my feelings with friends and loved ones. This was a wonderful experience” 06/2014
“The spiritual journey Program helped me bring more clarity into my life. It also gave me a better understanding of following my own truth. I am still learning to apply my lesson of creating personal boundaries and protecting my own energy and how to not let the energy of others affect me. From this I experienced clarity in my heart and am more connected to my own truth from this.” 07/2010 - F.K
“After this Program I feel a greater connection and understanding of my existence here on Earth. I feel more reassured of myself, and my experiences in life as well. This has been a great learning experience.” 07/2010 – D.B
“This is helping me examine more closely my every day life and decision making. I also hope to eventually discover my life path. From this I believe my spirit has grown and I am closer to my ultimate goal of self-awareness. I enjoyed most of the teachings on relationships and finding a soul mate.” 07/2010 – D.M
“This Program has helped me in the way I view myself, others and situations. I feel I have a better understanding of my capabilities to learn from them and grow from all my experiences in life. Every class seemed super relevant to what I was experiencing in my life at the time and I can say I enjoyed this whole experience immensely.” 07/2010 – D.C
“From this I understand how to apply principals I learned to help improve my daily life and gain a ‘new view’ on it as well. I enjoyed this retreat and all the teachings from it.”07/2010 – J.
“I have a more consciousness of my actions and thoughts and the effect they have. I’m learning to surrender and trust the universe; This is also helping me stay happy and positive. The content was so enjoyable I didn't want to miss a day. The homework also encouraged me to practice using spiritual tools or simply journaling, which made me take a look at myself. I found the teaching on karma most beneficial to me. It introduced to me the concept of divine service, which I have just started to explore. This program was very successful and very well structured.”07/2009 – C.C
“This Program helped me raise the awareness I have of myself. I feel it helped me on my spiritual path and I have so much work to do. This showed me how to pray more and meditate more and gave me a deeper understanding of my faith. I plan on applying what I have learned in different aspects of my life and this is beneficial for anyone no matter their faith.” 07/2009 – A.C
“This gave me a new sense of perspective to view my life with and new tools for meditation and nutrition and can apply to so many aspects of my life. I’m also trying to reflect and meditate daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I plan on continuing with what I have learned and exploring other spiritual avenues here.” 07/2009 – D.Z
"I have more consciousness on my actions, thoughts and the effect that they have. I am learning to surrender and trust the Universe. This is helping me to stay happy and positive. From the beginning, I was committed because the content was so enjoyable! I didn't want to miss any class. The homework also encouraged me to practice, using spiritual tools or simply journaling, which made me take a look at myself. I found that the teaching on Karma most beneficial to me. It introduced me to the concept of Divine Service, which I have just started to explore and plan to make an important part of my life." (Female, 30s)
"The Program gave me a lot of insight and perspective with a lot of clarify in my life. It helped me deal with my situations. It also helped me realize the importance of having a spiritual life and living with it daily. It also helped me understand a lot about life path, and myself. I enjoyed the class on purification the most." (female 40s)
"The Program raised awareness. On the other hand, I realize that there are so much to learn to improve and work on it. It helped me pray more, meditate more. I am now able to sit longer in mediation. It has deepen my own faith. My favorite class was on Karma." (Female, 40s)
"The Program gave me a new sense of perspective in viewing my life and new tools for meditation. I try to reflect on myself or mediate daily, even if it is just a few minutes. I also try to observe my thoughts objectively if I am loosing a perspective." (Female, 30s)
"The Program helped me to be mindful and improve my intuition. It helped me to feel more consciousness and connected to the Universe. I have more confidence and clarity in my path. The Program also helped bring learning into the everyday life. I am grateful that I learned about spiritual reasoning. Each class helped me to be more aware of the nature on an every day life. I make a purposeful journey to nature. This was really necessary to receive energy for daily life." (Female, 30s)
Level 2: Universal Qabalah Program
“The rituals and lectures included with this workshop allowed me to take my practice and understanding to the next level. I feel more in tune with my purpose in life, and trust that I will be able to make big strides in my personal development as a result of the methods that Mika taught me.” 9/15 - Y.Y
“The transformation that I’ve undergone as a result of learning from Mika has allowed me to live a happier, more productive life. Starting the day with yoga and meditation was very helpful. All of the materials that Mika provided were easy to follow, and I’ve been able to integrate the techniques into my day to day life. I loved working with Mika and will be taking more classes in the future” 9/15 - D.Z
“ This Program vastly improved my connection to myself and went into greater detail about the things I had previously learned. My life has been going very well since the beginning of this Program, and I attribute that to the information that I learned from Mika. My self-confidence has improved tremendously, and I can feel myself ascending!” 9/15 - C.C
“Through this program I improved my life by staying focused and taking care of myself and my personal affairs I set for the year. This also helped me push myself beyond my limits and comfort zone and letting go of any fears. I began to connect back to my unlimited potential also and pushed onward no matter what. “ 09/2013 – D.M
“With this program I began to appreciate the many blessings I have and also look inward to solve any issues that needed resolution. This transformed me and helped me tap into unconditional love and acceptance. I am extremely interested in carrying this knowledge with me and coming back to learn even more.” 09/2013 – M.W
“ This program helped me improve my life by realizing its ok to feel things fully and good to experience everything you are going through by looking inward and understanding you reactions. The homework I received was my favorite aspect as it really made me think about my life and put things into perspective for me. I want to continue on and expand what I have learned so far.” 09/2013 – A.C
“ This program helped me create a framework and a map of my life to keep me living regardless of my experiences, questions, wonders, struggles, in a way that helped me fully understand my path towards working with God. This transformation helped me over come my past struggles with the death of my dad and learned how to heal. Being in a community of spiritual seekers made me appreciate being supported by them and learning with the class. This helped me greatly in continuing to heal and grow with the support I gained.” 07/2013 – K.L
“I was able to gain a better focus of my life with this program plus help affirm what I have been learning and expand and support the work I have been doing. Right now I am trying to understand my transformation and I am becoming more clear in different aspects of my life. I am grateful for the support and dedication I received.” 07/2013 – D.C
“After experiencing this program I learned how to balance my life and myself. It allowed me to separate from the drama around me while accepting others with compassion and to recognize that I don't have to experience others pain to have compassion. Overall I feel so much more patient and compassionate from this” 07/2013 - J.M